I had bought some eggs locally to hatch from eBay. It was suppose to be a dozen+ EEs, but when I got there the seller was very nice and gave me all her old eggs too. There was not much chance of those hatching but, why not, they were free.
6 Langshans
5 Cuckoo Marans
12 Salmon Faverolles
The rest were a bit of Black Pendasencas, a ton of EEs, and 6 grocery store eggs for a total of 48 eggs.
8 were destroyed by my son
2 got that rotten egg smell that comes right before they explode
3 grocery eggs hatched
3 cuckoo marans hatched
5 EEs hatched
So that makes it a 28% for the ones that made it past my son. I was really hoping for some Faverolles, but oh well. What can you do?

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