Wednesday, May 21, 2008

My new chicks

      I had bought some eggs locally to hatch from eBay. It was suppose to be a dozen+ EEs, but when I got there the seller was very nice and gave me all her old eggs too. There was not much chance of those hatching but, why not, they were free.

Here was what went in the bator:
6 Langshans
5 Cuckoo Marans
12 Salmon Faverolles
The rest were a bit of Black Pendasencas, a ton of EEs, and 6 grocery store eggs for a total of 48 eggs.

8 were destroyed by my son
2 got that rotten egg smell that comes right before they explode
3 grocery eggs hatched
3 cuckoo marans hatched
5 EEs hatched

    So that makes it a 28% for the ones that made it past my son. I was really hoping for some Faverolles, but oh well. What can you do?

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