Tuesday, January 8, 2008

In the beginnings...

I am at the beginning of a practical journey towards less. My problem is that I enjoy so much!

For instance, I want to do less, but I also like to:
cook from scratch,
take classes,
teach classes,
raise chickens,
and so on and so on.

I am sure there is a lot of people out there living the dream (whatever that looks like) who are in shock over the direction I am heading or that I haven't got there yet. This space isn't for me to tell others how to get somewhere, but it is the way I am going, in the traditions of blog/diaries that came before me.


Michael said...

Ok, what does DH stand for? I am sure it is obvious, but never the less, I don't get it. The scetch of you and glory is so cool. Tell me about it. And you need to get more sleep, some of the postings are just at crazy hours. Sleep more as you are striving for less!

Jo said...

DH - Dear Husband
After midnight is the only time I can seriously work on anything. Besides, what else do people do at that time?